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Courses and Events

Last weekend, Sunseed set up its stand in the NGO corner of Etnosur festival. They were a couple of sunseeders on the event, all ready to give a hand on the stand. From Friday until Sunday, it was then possible to make your own smoothie, blending fresh fruits with Sunseed’s famous “bicy-batidora”.  Eventually, a lot of people approached our stand to ride our bicycle-blender, which is a nice introduction about Sunseed’s vision of sustainable technologies.


But we also brought our natural homemade products : toothpaste powder, soap , calendula moisturizer cream or shampoo made and used in our project by the volunteers.

During the weekend, some creative activities even took place in Sunseed stand : our resourceful sunseeders managed to make a sign for the stand out of recycled carb boards. Thanks to sunseeders’ contribution, we also started to offer  body-painting and henna drawings to our visitors.


Our participation to Etnosur 2016 turned out to be a good opportunity to advertize more about Sunseed’s project among the community of people living in Spain as well as exchange with other projects.


Courses and Events

Nestled deep in the heart of the Andalusian mountains, in the bustling Los Molinos ecovillage we are gifted with a weekend of calm and tranquillity, of looking deep within and also making a profound connection with others and the natural world that surrounds us. On the third weekend in July, this came in the form of the Sunseed meditation retreat, with the theme of ‘being at ease.’


We began on a Friday evening, in the candlelit sanctuary of the Casa Rosa, with a round of introductions and a simple breathing exercise to start off. The weekend continued with an engaging mix of talks, meditations and mindful walks in nature, gently guided by Siggy’s wealth of practice and experience on the subject.

I found my own meditation practice challenged by the Hindu and Buddhist approaches that we learned, much more rooted in sitting in complete stillness than I’m used to! It’s a mark of great discipline I think to be fully relaxed and rooted in the earth with nothing to guide you but your breath. All the participants, from many walks of life, benefited in some way from this immersion in deep silence and introspection.

meditation retreat

We learned a range of meditation techniques, including Indian mudras (hand positions) to embody different emotions, such as compassion and loving kindness. We also learned the Feldenkrais, Yoga Nidra and Pranayama techniques, all of which focus on deep breathing and connecting with our bodies in a way we rarely do in everyday life.

We talked about using our voices and bodies to release stress and trauma that can build up, and can be painful but is necessary for achieving our goal of ‘being at ease.’ Siggy made the comparison to the way that animals go through an extraordinary amount of trauma but don’t show traumatic symptoms unless they are held in captivity or attacked by humans. They release this trauma alone through their bodies, shaking violently and feeling it completely for as long as they need to, then going back to their normal lives. We find many ways of burying trauma and pain, via a hundred different distractions in the form of substances or processes, but to truly be at ease, it must be physically felt and then released. We did this through a ‘talking and listening’ exercise, listening to a partner describe who they are without stopping for five minutes, and without reacting in any way. This kind of ‘automatic talking’, paired with simply being with ourselves, brought up issues in many of us things we might have buried, to deal with in a safe and embracing environment.

evening meditation

My favourite gifts of this course though, were the evening sessions on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday we went down to the beautiful stone labyrinth and sat in a circle in the candlelit twilight, and created our own ‘symphony’ of sounds, whatever came to us in the moment. The result was a sometimes amusing, sometimes intriguing combination of sounds. Eventually we trailed off into silence, honoured by the flickering candles and bright moonlight lighting our circle.

On Sunday evening we went up to the roof terrace of the Mirador and stargazed, watching as more and more stars appeared in the darkening dusk. It also became an impromptu cloud spotting, as the bright moonlight lit up the passing clouds that rarely appear this time of year in Los Molinos, and satellite and plane spotting too! It was a treasured chance for the mostly city-bound attendees to connect with our unpolluted night sky.

shooting star watching

We finished with a check-in circle and final meditation on the Monday morning, and finally our goodbyes, met with smiles and tears all round. I’m glad to have had the opportunity to examine and expand my own practice, but mostly to have shared this space so intimately with such wonderful people. I look forward to attending another of Siggy’s retreats in the future!

By EVS volunteer Sophie

If this has piqued your interest, check out details of our next retreats here.

candle light meditation

Appropriate Technology, Courses and Events

El último fin de semana de 16-17 de abril hemos llevado a cabo un taller de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales por Fitodepuración, facilitado entre los coordinadores de Sunseed y el colectivo Paissano, amigos de Sunseed apasionados por temas de tratamiento y potabilización de agua. Hemos invitado a participar tanto a lxs voluntarixs de Sunseed como personas de la zona interesadas en aprender cómo construir un sistema ecológico de tratamiento de aguas residuales casero y de bajo costo. Después de cubrir los gastos básicos de comida y alojamiento el aporte económico ha sido voluntario.

Entre unos 10 participantes del curso emprendimos un proyecto práctico de mejorar la última etapa de nuestro sistema de aguas y embellecer el espacio alrededor del camino a la famosa poza de Los Molinos. ¡Construimos un estanque nuevo!

Pond 1

Los estanques están habitualmente instalados como la última etapa de sistemas de tratamiento de agua con humedales artificiales (reed beds). Sirven tanto para almacenar el agua depurada con fin de aprovecharla para riego, como para crear un hábitat natural de fauna y flora, así aumentando la biodiversidad del entorno. Nuestro estanque consiste de una zona de infiltración con grava (sembrada con plantas depuradoras – macrofitas) y zona profunda dónde en futuro queremos plantar macrofitas flotantes como lentejilla de agua o nenúfares. Cuenta con 1200 litros de almacenamiento y un desagüe instalado para regar una huerta/jardín ejemplo en el futuro. El diseño del jardín se realizará durante el Curso de Diseño en Permacultura en Sunseed (1-15 de mayo 2016).

Etapas de construcción

Digging pond
Pond mud

Primero lo primero, tuvimos que limpiar la zona de construcción, anteriormente ocupada por un estanque fantasma, cual con tiempo se había llenado con barro y ha sido apoderad de la omnipresente caña. Los rizomas de caña habían perforado la capa impermeabilizante de plástico, cual dejó de cumplir su función.  

Limpiando la zona del viejo estanque, mucho barro y rizomas de caña…

Después de cavar dimos la forma al estanque nuevo, a través de un proceso de diseño interactivo entre todxs llegamos al consenso de construir una isleta en medio y así naturalmente dar al estanque una pendiente de bajada alrededor de ella. Compactamos el fondo e instalamos el tubo de desagüe.

Installing overflow tube

Instalación del tubo de desagüe.

Impermeabilizamos el estanque con EPDM, un material resistente y flexible. Alrededor colocamos piedras y construimos un pequeño muro seco de ellas para proteger ante la caída del barro en caso de lluvias fuertes. Al seguir rellenamos la parte poco profunda con grava. Ahora solo falta rellenar el estanque con agua y sembrar plantas.

Guy and Blanca with pond

Pensando en los futuros habitantes de nuestro estanque hemos construido una cuevita, la futura casa de una rana muy feliz.

Pond plants 1
Finished pond

Con finalizar la construcción hemos abierto muchas posibilidades de crecimiento de este proyecto. Varias personas voluntarias de Sunseed van a tener la posibilidad de experimentar con la siembra de plantas, elaboración de un jardín autoregante con agua depurada y las modificaciones estéticas del mismo estanque. Como siempre en Sunseed, un proyecto nunca termina, sino va evolucionando…

Para mas información sobre proyectos y cursos parecidos, puedes contactar con nuestro coordenador de Tecnologías Apropriadas, Piotr:


Appropriate Technology, Courses and Events, Sunseed News

Sunseed’s Appropriate Technology co-coordinator Piotr explains how we built a beautiful pond as part of our eco-friendly wastewater treatment system.

Last weekend of 16-17 April at Sunseed we conducted a workshop on Ecological Wastewater Treatment, facilitated by the coordinators of Sunseed and the Paissano collective – friends of Sunseed and big water treatment and purification enthusiasts. We invited both Sunseed volunteers and people from the Almería province interested in learning how to build a low cost ecological wastewater treatment at home. The financial contribution to the course was voluntary, after assuring the basic costs of food and accommodation.
Among some 10 participants of the course we undertook a practical project to improve the last stage of our wastewater system and beautify the space around the path which leads to the famous pool of Los Molinos. We have built a new pond!

Wastewater treatment pond

Ponds are often installed as the last stage of wastewater treatment systems with constructed wetlands (reed beds). They serve a basic function of storing the treated water in order to reuse it for irrigation, as well as to create a natural habitat for fauna and flora, thus increasing the biodiversity of the environment. Our pond consists of an infiltration area with gravel (planted with water treatment plants – macrophytes) and a deep area where in the near future we would like to plant floating macrophytes. It stores 1200 liters of water and is equipped with an overflow system to irrigate an educational self-irrigating garden in the future. We will leave the garden design to the participants of a Permaculture Design Course held by Sunseed between the 1st and 15th of May.

Construction Stages

First things first, we had to clean the construction area previously occupied by a ghost pond, which with time was filled with mud and has been taken over by the ubiquitous cane plants. The rhizomes of cane had pierced the waterproof layer of plastic, which had thus stopped serving its function.

Digging the wastewater pond
Preparing the wastewater pond

Cleaning the old pond area – a lot of mud and cane rhizomes…

After the digging we interactively and collectively designed the form and shape of the new pond. We decided to construct a division wall which allows to have a natural slope around it. Subsequently the ground was compacted and the overflow tube installed.

Installing overflow tube

Installation of the overflow pipe

We waterproofed the pond with EPDM liner, a very strong and flexible material used widely in this type of application. Around the pond we placed stones and built a small dry wall to protect the pond from mud falling inside during heavy rains. Then we filled the shallow area with gravel. Next comes the exciting part of filling it with water and planting the plants.

Guy and Blanca with pond
Petr and pond

Keeping in mind the future habitants of our pond we have created a small cave, a future house of a very happy frog.

Pond plants 1
Finished pond

With the completion of the construction of the pond we have only opened it up for the future improvements and changes. Many Sunseed volunteers will have the opportunity to experiment with the planting of plants, elaboration of a self-watering garden with purified water and the aesthetic modifications of the pond itself. As always in Sunseed, a project never finishes, it evolves…

For more information on similar future projects and courses, contact Sunseed’s Appropriate Technology co-coordinator Piotr on


Courses and Events

Every few weeks on a Sunday there is a small but lively market in our village. We have a stand where we sell our home-made soap, toothpaste, creams, bread and plenty of other things – depending on what projects and skills volunteers and staff are working on at the moment. The next market will take place this Sunday 17th April – come and join us!


It’s also a nice opportunity to meet the neighbors, who either also make amazing products or just want to have a look around and stay for a  chat. The communal atmosphere is one of the things that makes living in Los Molinos so special – and it’s even better when visitors come to visit on market day and see our village for themselves.


There is also a stand about the ecocide, where you can get information about the serious water problem the village suffers from. If you’re interested, you can watch this movie – well worth seeing –  or you can check out this blog post to learn more.


Our village may not be very big, but there is everything a market needs: art, jewellery, food, live music and a lot of positive people! We’d love you to join us on Sunday 17th April in Los Molinos del Rio Aguas.

You’ll also find us at other markets and festivals throughout the summer, including…

  • In amongst the free music, workshops and fun at Etnosur in July.
  • At Boom festival in Portugal, where we’ll be sharing the Sunseed story with talks and demonstrations all week!
  • At Ecoaltea, the “festival of alternatives” in Alicante.

If you are close to any of these events feel free to come and visit us!


Courses and Events


Sunseed, a great site first conceived in 1982 during a talk at a green festival by Harry Hart, cofounder of the charity Green Deserts. Featuring numerous examples of eco-construction, renewable energy sources, and organic gardens, Sunseed even has its own drylands department. A fabulous opportunity for students of permaculture to see a living, breathing centre for change and experimentation. The site is situated in the countryside in an ecovillage called Los Molinos del Río Aguas, a beautiful and sunny valley in southern Spain.
Check more about the place at:

Dates: 1-15 May, 2016.

Minimum Donation:
€750, all food (veg), shared accommodation and classes.
Concessionary rate for students and NGO´s full time volunteers. *Please enquire.

Course program:
The 72 hour PDC at Sunseed follows the curriculum as laid out in Bill Mollison’s Permaculture – A Designer’s Manual. It covers subjects ranging from ethics and principles of permaculture, natural systems, aquaculture, sustainable design methods, patterns in nature, land restoration, water harvesting, grey water recycling, natural building, food forests and guilds, energy conservation, appropriate technology, renewable energy, urban permaculture and invisible structures.
The design course teaches how to develop sustainable human settlements, and how to extend and preserve natural systems. The content will be covered alternating between theoretical lectures and practical applications. The teaching style aims to run immersion courses that utilize the collective intelligence of the group with engaging participatory classes.

Teachers: George Christofis, Wallay T. 

The site offers WC/shower and access to electricity.

What to bring?
– comfortable clothes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
– note taking (blank pages recommended) and drawing materials
– ecological body care products
– flashlight/torch
– sturdy shoes
– a swimming suit for the natural pool
– musical instruments, if you have!

How to get to Sunseed Desert Technology? 
Click here

How to book a place on the course? 

Contact the teacher of the course here:


With the festival season just beginning we wanted to take a look at a few of the more sustainable options this summer. Don’t forget, the majority of Co2 emitions from running a festival are down to the festival goers themselves. Always look at public transport options before driving and when you do have to drive, make the most of car sharing sites – share your journey or to tag along with someone else. No matter what these festivals do, it’s down to you to make your impact as small as possible.

Shambala Festival – UK

Tucked away in a ‘secret location’ in Northamptonshire UK Shambala is now powered by 100% renewable energy! The family friendly festival even encourages people to bring their own cups to refill each time!


Bona Nit Festival – Spain

A pop up one day festival based in Barcelona shows that sustainability isn’t just confined to green fields, take the chance to enjoy live music and great vegetarian food. The festival plans to spread the green message beyond their walls and into the city, recently awarded 3 stars from A Greener Festival, it’s definitely worth a visit.

Boom Festival – Portugal

A favourite of our very own Facilitation Coordinator Tom, Boom is a sustainable paradise since 1997, with the waste water from the site treated so that it can be put back into the environment as clean as when it came out.


Wood festival – UK

Another 100% renewable energy festival for our list, all the energy used comes from bio diesel, wind and solar power and not too mention ‘community spirit’. If you’re looking for a calm family friendly option then Wood is definitely for you.

Cambridge Folk Festival – UK

If only all festivals cared about their environmental impact as much as CFF do, they nearly achieved their aim of no waste being sent to landfill with just 2% of waste not being recycled or composted, the lights on stage are low energy bulbs and they’re switched off during the day when they’re not needed. If you can make it to Cambridge this summer, take a look at their website.


Do you know any other festivals we shouldn’t miss?

Blog post written by Ben (long term volunteer)


Courses and Events

Taller Introductorio de Dragon Dreaming – Almeria

27 y 28 de Junio 2015

En este Taller nos introduciremos en la filosofía y técnica de Dragon Dreaming, de forma teórica, experiencial y también de forma práctica, aprendiendo sus fases y pasos.

Para ello queremos ofreceros un taller activo, con diversas actividades y dinámicas.

Dragon Dreaming DD ha sido co-creado por John Croft y su difunta esposa Vivienne Elanta (los cuales han colaborado con Joanna Macy). Esta técnica se basa en 3 principios: Servicio a la Tierra, Creación de Comunidad y Crecimiento Personal.

Dragon Dreaming DD está inspirado en el activismo social y ambiental, la ecología profunda, la nueva ciencia moderna, la teoría de sistemas vivos, la teoría del caos, la no violencia y la sabiduría de los aborígenes australianos.

Dragon Dreaming nos facilita el conectar con nuestra llamada, concretizar nuestros sueños y materializar los de forma física, haciendo de estos sueños una realidad.

¿Que más es Dragon Dreaming?

  • Es una filosofía ganar-ganar-ganar para construir una cultura para El Gran Cambio
  • Es una filosofía y herramienta de diseño, para construir organizaciones y proyectos sostenibles con éxito.
  • Es una caja de herramientas y técnicas para proyectos colectivos
  • Es una comunidad de practicantes que se apoyan un@s a otr@s para hacer sus sueños y los de otr@s realidad, de forma divertida, eficiente y cooperativa.

* El Gran Cambio es la transición de una sociedad moderna de crecimiento industrial a una sociedad que cuida y apoya la vida.

Al ser una técnica holística, se complementa muy bien con otros métodos y técnicas como: la Facilitación de grupos, la Comunicación no violenta, The art of hosting, la Permacultura, El Camino del héroe, etc…

Para más info sobre Dragon Dreaming puedes visitar la web y ver un breve  reportaje de TVE2 aquí

¿En qué consiste un taller introductorio?

Se explica la herramienta, basada en una rueda, con cuatro partes o dimensiones: El sueño, la planificación, la acción y la celebración.

Se introducen herramientas transversales de facilitación de grupos, comunicación carismática y no violenta, acuerdos grupales, inteligencia colectiva…

Se introducen herramientas dinámicas, participativas y vivenciales para poder:

  1. Plasmar los sueños que tienes, tendiendo un puente entre ello y la acción
  2. Compartirlos con la gente con la que quieres hacerlos, de una forma auténtica y desinteresada.
  3. Crear un sueño colectivo a partir de un sueño personal, que integre la visión de grupo
  4. Fijar una meta clara, objetivos y tareas, de forma participativa
  5. Diseñar una estrategia, mediante el Kadabirrdt, de forma participativa
  6. Crear un presupuesto, conectando con nuestra inteligencia colectiva.
  7. Crear una red de apoyo para ayudar en la creación, seguimiento y consecución
  8. Crear una metodología de evaluación y celebración de las tareas y metas propuestas, que tenga un todo divertido e integrador

¿A quien puede interesar?

  • A miembros de asociaciones, grupos, orgsanizaciones, ONGs, proyectos colectivos…
  • Facilitadores de grupo
  • Profesionales que trabajen con personas: profesores, educadores, trabajadores sociales, etc.
  • Activistas sociales, mediambientales…
  • Personas que quieran mejorar su relación y dinámica en familia, grupos de amigos, trabajo, etc.
  • Personas curiosas e interesadas en el crecimiento personal, ampliar conocimientos y horizontes.

Las facilitadoras

Estefania Ventura Dueñas.Ha realizado las formaciones de Dragon Dreaming Introductorio en 2012 e Intensivo en 2013 con Alicia Comanage y Johnny Azpilicueta (de Molino de Guadalmesí, Tarifa)  y Organizaciones de Centro Vacio con John Croft en 2014.Ha diseñado, coordinado y desarrollado proyectos culturales, educativos,  artísticos, sociales y de cooperación desde 1998, en instituciones, asociaciones y la administración pública. Desde el 2012 ha asesorado y acompañado a grupos en el nacimiento de sus proyectos y sus ruedas de sueño. Aplica la herramienta en sus proyectos profesionales y comienza su andadura como facilitadora.

Patricia Cañas Rios. Ha realizado las formaciones de Dragon Dreaming Introductorio con John Crof e Intensivo con Angel Hernandez en 2012. Y Dragon Dreaming y Ecología Profunda y Organizaciones de Centro Vacío con John Croft en 2014. Desde entonces ha facilitado talleres, realizado consultoría y acompañamiento a grupos y aplicado en varios proyectos.


Sábado 27 de Junio de 10.00 a 14.00 y de 16.00 a 20.00. Con una celebración en la velada hasta las 22.30 aprox.

Domingo 28 de Junio de 10.00 a 14.00 y de 16.00 a 20.00.


Centro En Ananda, Espacio para el Bienestar. C/ Tejar, 41. El Zapillo, Almería


90€ inscripción regular

80€ inscripción para miembros de Asociaciones de Almería (tienen que venir al menos dos miembros de la misma Asociación).

Posibilidad de una beca para un perfil de estudiante o persona con un proyecto que tenga el perfil DD y no tenga recursos.

Posibilidad de pagar el 5% en moneda social.

Las plazas son limitadas y la FECHA LÍMITE DE INSCRIPCIÓN 19 DE JUNIO de 2015.


Podéis contactarnos en o tel. 639 84 27 19.

Y en la web


Next Course organised by our partner association Cultura de la Tierra – Earth Culture is

Permaculture Design Certificate Course – 90 hours . From 17 to 31 October 2014

This course will introduce ways of using permaculture design in your life, to re-design aspects of your personal life as well as to create sustainaible and resilient human environments. Permaculture can be applied to where do you live, work and play. 90 hours course with PDC International Certificate.

More info and bookings

Poster PDC October 2014

Permaculture offer us new ways of thinking, doing and being that can be use individually and collectively to create sustainable human cultures in harmony with nature.

The course program includes: ethics and principles, design processes, basics of ecology, water management, soil building, plants for permaculture systems, ecobuilding, energy, new economies, with regenerative ideas for: home, garden, neighbourhood, community, region….all supported by practicals, and additional topics such as deep ecology, Dragon Dreaming design, Ecovillages, Transition,….

During these 2 weeks we will have the opportunity to experience Permaculture alive in our day by day, as we will be living in an off-grid low impact “eco” village Los Molinos. We’ll be part of a community of teachers, participants and collaborators, creating spaces for inter-conexion, skills exchange and self organise workshops; and also spaces for dreaming and celebrating together!!

Teachers: Monika Frank, Kirsty Heron, Mark Biffen, Jef Carrick y Patricia Cañas.

Other guest facilitators to confirm…


575 € booking before 31 of August

605€ booking after 1 of September

That includes all sessions, materials, the Certificate in Permaculture Design , all meals and accomodation in low impact projects– Sunseed y El Mirador.


We would like to offer a reduction to one person with low income that is involved in environmental or social projects. We will only be able to confirm this after 18th September.

We are also open to exchanges, reductions for help before, after and during the course, for one or two persons that can’t afford the course full fee.

Venue: Los Molinos del Río Aguas – a low impact off-grid village located in the Natural Park of Karst en Yesos de Sorbas – in Almería Province (South Spain)

Organized by: Cultura de la Tierra – Earth Culture

in collaboration with: Sunseed, La Pita-Escuela y El Mirador.

For further information and booking: – phone 0034 639842719



This course will introduce ways of using permaculture design in your life, to re-design aspects of your personal life as well as to create sustainable and resilient human environments. Permaculture can be applied to where do you live, work and play.,

The course includes the 72hours curriculo recognised by the internatinal permaculture community plus more than 18 hours extra that will enrich the experience, such as:

* Introduction to Dragon Dreaming –participatory design process;

* Transition Towns;

* Ecovillages – sustainable communities,

* The Work that Recconects from Joanna Macy – deep ecology,

* regenerative techniques for arid lands

There will be practicals in organic gardening, eco building and/or other practicals of sustainable living.

During the course we’ll have several guided tours.

One to the Sunseed project (gardens, technologies, low impact); other to the village of Los Molinos and other to the Pita-Escuela project (working with agave wood from the desert).

In this course you will learn how to design or to refine your design skills, through practical and enjoyable exercices under the guidance of experienced designers.

You will learn skills in observation and reading the landscape enabling you to develop a deeper understanding of a place. You will learn about map drawing and interpretation, about understanding and using patters in nature to use in the designs; and why and how to take care of the soil, the water and the air.

You will learn how to design food production systems and water collection systems at different scales; bioregional strategies, forest garden growing, alternative economic systems, renewable energies and design of healthy homes and buildings, domestic liquid and solid waste treatment.


Communication and Education, Courses and Events
DSCF1975Sunseed was recently at the reggae festival Rototom in Benicassim to communicate the project and spread the word. We were there for a week publicising Sunseed and interacting with people interested in coming to Los Molinos. We used the Sunseed Yurt for the first time this year and brought with us again our Sunseed models and games. A big thank you to everyone who helped !Here are some images of our stall. DSCF1984DSCF1990DSCF1987DSCF1989DSCF1985