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Courses and Events


19 Abril a 3 de mayo 2020

Qué es la Permacultura

La Permacultura es un sistema holístico de diseño que integra la sabiduría tradicional, ciencia y tecnología moderna para crear sistemas de producción y espacios habitables en armonía con los ecosistemas de los que forman parte.

Campaña de difusión

En este curso de diseño en permacultura trabajaremos de formas teóricas y prácticas todos los conceptos y saberes esenciales a tener en cuenta para regenerar paisajes degradados, comunidades y producir alimentos además de otros recursos naturales de formas saludables para las personas y el planeta.
Ven a este curso si quieres aprender de agricultura regenerativa, bioconstrucción, tecnologías apropiadas, vida en comunidad y autogestión.

Descripción del taller

Teoría y práctica esencial para la regeneración y gestión de los espacios vivos. Con atención especial a climas áridos.

Pensamiento y acción holística para crear modelos de vida autosuficientes, sostenibles y rentables  a largo plazo. Con teoría, dinámicas y ejemplos prácticos para vivir la experiencia.

Durante este taller tocaremos una diversidad de temáticas para abarcar las ideas y prácticas más relevantes.

  • Conectaremos con las Éticas y principios, las bases de la permacultura.
  • Profundizaremos en las estrategias y herramientas de diseño holístico que nos facilita la permacultura.
  • Aprenderemos a cultivar el huerto con técnicas de agricultura regenerativa y natural.
  • Comprenderemos los conceptos esenciales para la creación y el manejo de bosques de alimentos y otros sistemas agroforestales.
  • Construiremos muros con materiales naturales como barro y paja 
  • Cocinaremos y saborearemos alimentos de nutrición Simbiótica que nos llenan de salud
  • Hurgaremos en la diversidad de tecnologías apropiadas de nuestro interés
  • Exploraremos la vida en comunidad, la autogestión y sus entresijos.


Sunseed Tecnología del desierto es un centro comunitario de educación no formal y práctica para la transición hacia la sostenibilidad en Andalucía.

El proyecto está ubicado en Los Molinos del Río Aguas, una aldea desconectada de la red situada en un hermoso valle en Almería. En nuestra comunidad internacional viven, trabajan y aprenden juntxs voluntarixs con el fin de desarrollar, demostrar, investigar y comunicar formas accesibles de reducir nuestro impacto medioambiental.


Alessandro Ardovini

Nómada de actitud, he sido un permacultor toda mi vida. Ecléctico, feminista, filólogo, escritor, bloguero, cinéfilo.

Soy creador y gestor de redes, me dedico a la formación, hago consultorías y diseños para el ayuntamiento de Barcelona y para privados. También me dedico al desarrollo de herramientas de diseño y he enseñado formación de formadoras, Cursos de Diseño en Permacultura (CDP), introducciones a la permacultura, cursos prácticos. Me dedico también a la regeneración de ecosistemas y bosques comestibles.

En Mayo 2017 conseguí mi Diploma en Diseño aplicado de Permacultura en las áreas de Educación, Diseño y Desarrollo de un lugar, Establecimiento e implementación de sistemas, Investigación, Desarrollo de la comunidad, Administración, Medios de comunicación.

Soy miembro fundador de Permacultura Barcelona, Permacultura Íbera, Academia de Permacultura Íbera, BiorNE (Red Biorregional del Nordeste de Permacultura Íbera), Rebrots, Jóvenes en Permacultura (Youth in Permaculture – YiP), participo en la Red europea de Permacultura (EuPN), y creé la Red mediterránea de Permacultura (MedipermaneT) con el objetivo de escribir un libro de estrategias y técnicas eficientes de Permacultura en el Mediterráneo. Estoy desarrollando, lentamente, mi proyecto personal ReDes – Regenerative Design.

Escribí cuatro artículos para la revista EcoHabitar, tengo un blog personal y estoy escribiendo una novela.

Al mismo tiempo soy profesor de idiomas, intérprete y traductor: italiano, inglés, catalán, gallego, castellano. Hablo también portugués y un poco de francés y tengo bases de esperanto y eslovaco.

Candela Vargas

Candela ha querido comprender los mecanismos de la vida desde una edad temprana. Por lo tanto, estudió Biología en la Universidad de Granada. Se convirtió en una activista apasionada y luchó por la justicia climática en Cop 15 cuando se mudó a Dinamarca, donde ha vivido 8 años. En este país estudió un máster en Gestión de la Naturaleza y realizó un proyecto sobre Diseño e Implementación de Bosques Comestibles. Es cofundadora de FFIRN (Food Forest International Research Network), ha sido miembro de la junta directiva de Permacultura Dinamarca durante 5 años, asesora de LAND, coordinadora de voluntarios en un huerto urbano pionero en Copenhague, Byhaven 2200 e involucrada en muchos otros proyectos. como Seed Pop Up, círculo de regalos y muchos colectivos ambientales / culturales. Candela ha enseñado permacultura en Dinamarca, Suecia, Islandia, Italia y España.  Ahora está de vuelta en el Sureste, reconectando con sus raíces y con las redes que se están tejiendo en la zona, en especial con la REPESEI y Permacultura Íbera.

Le encanta recolectar alimentos silvestres, hacer acroyoga y cantar sus canciones de Permacultura.


€530 por las 2 semanas de curso.

Política de cancelaciones

  • Para reservar una plaza en un curso es necesario realizar una transferencia de un depósito del 200€ de la cuota del curso.
  • Será posible cancelar la participación hasta 1 mes antes del curso y recibir la devolución completa del depósito, con la exclusión de 10€ para cubrir los gastos administrativos.
  • Por cancelaciones entre 1 mes y 2 semanas antes del curso se devolverá el50% del depósito, es decir 100€.
  • Por cancelaciones con menos de dos semanas de antelación, se retendrá el 100% del depósito.
  • En caso de cancelación del curso por parte de la organización las cuotas depositadas serán devueltas integralmente.

REPESEI : Red de Permacultura del Sureste Ibérico

En la Red de Permacultura del Sureste Ibérico nos constituimos actualmente como un tejido humano y vivo de personas, proyectos, encuentros y acciones en búsqueda de una forma de vida más natural, holística y perdurable en las biorregiones del sureste ibérico. 

En la actualidad somos más de 60 socios y colaboradores y estamos poniendo en práctica y  desarrollando muchos de los pétalos de red como la autogestión, ecosinuestra, salud integral, bioconstrucción, crianza y cuidado de la vida, tecnologías apropiadas, agricultura natural o agricultura regenerativa.

Cuidar la tierra, cuidar a las personas y redistribuir los excedentes viene siendo nuestro lema desde hace ya más de 20 años.


Courses and Events


May 17-31, 2020

Course Program

The 72 hour Permaculture Design Certificate course at Sunseed follows the curriculum as laid out in Bill Mollison’s Permaculture – A Designer’s Manual. It covers subjects ranging from ethics and principles of permaculture, natural systems, aquaculture, sustainable design methods, patterns in nature, land restoration, water harvesting, grey water recycling, natural building, food forests and guilds, energy conservation, appropriate technology, renewable energy, urban permaculture and invisible structures.
The course teaches how to develop sustainable human settlements, and how to extend and preserve natural systems. The content will be covered between theoretical lectures and practical applications.

You can view a sample schedule of the course here. The schedule gives a general idea of what to expect but will vary slightly, course to course

The Site

​Sunseed, a great site first conceived in 1982 during a talk at a green festival by Harry Hart, cofounder of the charity Green Deserts. Featuring numerous examples of eco-construction, renewable energy sources, and organic gardens. A fabulous opportunity for students of permaculture to see a living, breathing center for change and experimentation. The site is situated in the countryside in an ecovillage called Los Molinos del Río Aguas, a beautiful and sunny valley in southern Spain.

​Located in a local steppe climate. with little rainfall throughout the year. This location is classified as BSk by Köppen and Geiger. The average temperature is 16.6 °C. In a year, the average rainfall is 291 mm, unevenly distributed.


George Christofis – Lead Facilitator

Born and raised in SE Asia, George’s appreciation for nature was honed over years of long and thoughtful observation of the subtropical country parks of Hong Kong, where he was involved with the environmental movement from a young age. He has been studying permaculture for the last 10 years, having found in it a brilliant framework for environmental action. In 2014 he started the teaching group Circle Permaculture which partners with farms and ecological education sites to run well-organised Permaculture Design Certificate courses. He is on the Certifying Teachers Register of the Permaculture Association UK. Aside from teaching, he is a long term practitioner of yoga and meditation, a poet and songwriter, slackliner and avid hiker.

Liselotte Wuite – Teacher

Since a young age Liselotte has been exposed to many different cultures and landscapes. This opened up fascination and deep respect for the living and breathing world around her. While finishing her studies of Anthropology and Ecology at the University College Utrecht in 2013, she set off to Costa Rica to conduct research for her thesis. This is where she fell in love with a simple way of living, in balance with nature, combining more recent expertise with ancestral knowledge. In 2016 she sat the PDC course in Sunseed where she subsequently ended up coordinating for a year. Seeing the transformation in people, their habits, and their way of living, inspired her to keep sharing knowledge and the importance of raising consciousness, using Permaculture as a tool to move forward.

Travels through South America in 2014 to 2016 and experiences in the Netherlands and Spain, all led to a desire to share this vision of a more sustainable way of life. The various homesteads and educational projects gave her experience in diverse elements of community living, eco construction, gardening, baking, seminars, preservation, natural cosmetics and medicinal plants. Currently she is enrolled in the International Permaculture Diploma with Gaia University, with the intention to expand global networks and create diverse holistic eco-social alternatives to living.

Apart from the wonders and expansive world of Permaculture, she is an animal lover, passionate baker, practices yoga and meditation and loves the art of dance!

Candela Vargas Poveda – Teacher

Candela studied biology at the University of Granada, and holds a Masters in Nature Management from Copenhagen University, which she received for her thesis on Forest Gardens Design and Implementation.. She is a cofounder of FFIRN (Food Forest International Research Network), and has been a member of the board of Permaculture Denmark for 5 years, and is the president of REPESEI, As well as having been a volunteer coordinator at a pioneer urban garden in Copenhagen, Byhaven 2200, Candela has been involved with many other projects such as Seed Pop Up, Gift circle, and other Environmental / Cultural collectives. She is a L.A.N.D advisor and has taught permaculture in Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Italy and Spain. She has recently returned to the Iberian peninsula where she is working on the permaculture networks PI and REPESEI. She loves gathering wild foods, doing acroyoga, and singing her Permaculture songs.


The site offers WC/shower and access to electricity.

What to Bring

– comfortable clothes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
– note taking (blank pages recommended) and drawing materials
– ecological body care products
– flashlight/torch
– sturdy shoes
– a swimming suit for the natural pool
– bedding and sleeping bag

Join Us May 17-31, 2020

Minimum Donation:
€600,  three meals (vegetarian),
shared dorm accommodation and classes included. 
Optional extra:
Room in Pita Escuela
(extra 294€/ person payable to Pita Escuela),
next door to Sunseed

To sign-up for this course


Courses and Events

Nestled deep in the heart of the Andalusian mountains, in the bustling Los Molinos ecovillage we are gifted with a weekend of calm and tranquillity, of looking deep within and also making a profound connection with others and the natural world that surrounds us. On the third weekend in July, this came in the form of the Sunseed meditation retreat, with the theme of ‘being at ease.’


We began on a Friday evening, in the candlelit sanctuary of the Casa Rosa, with a round of introductions and a simple breathing exercise to start off. The weekend continued with an engaging mix of talks, meditations and mindful walks in nature, gently guided by Siggy’s wealth of practice and experience on the subject.

I found my own meditation practice challenged by the Hindu and Buddhist approaches that we learned, much more rooted in sitting in complete stillness than I’m used to! It’s a mark of great discipline I think to be fully relaxed and rooted in the earth with nothing to guide you but your breath. All the participants, from many walks of life, benefited in some way from this immersion in deep silence and introspection.

meditation retreat

We learned a range of meditation techniques, including Indian mudras (hand positions) to embody different emotions, such as compassion and loving kindness. We also learned the Feldenkrais, Yoga Nidra and Pranayama techniques, all of which focus on deep breathing and connecting with our bodies in a way we rarely do in everyday life.

We talked about using our voices and bodies to release stress and trauma that can build up, and can be painful but is necessary for achieving our goal of ‘being at ease.’ Siggy made the comparison to the way that animals go through an extraordinary amount of trauma but don’t show traumatic symptoms unless they are held in captivity or attacked by humans. They release this trauma alone through their bodies, shaking violently and feeling it completely for as long as they need to, then going back to their normal lives. We find many ways of burying trauma and pain, via a hundred different distractions in the form of substances or processes, but to truly be at ease, it must be physically felt and then released. We did this through a ‘talking and listening’ exercise, listening to a partner describe who they are without stopping for five minutes, and without reacting in any way. This kind of ‘automatic talking’, paired with simply being with ourselves, brought up issues in many of us things we might have buried, to deal with in a safe and embracing environment.

evening meditation

My favourite gifts of this course though, were the evening sessions on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday we went down to the beautiful stone labyrinth and sat in a circle in the candlelit twilight, and created our own ‘symphony’ of sounds, whatever came to us in the moment. The result was a sometimes amusing, sometimes intriguing combination of sounds. Eventually we trailed off into silence, honoured by the flickering candles and bright moonlight lighting our circle.

On Sunday evening we went up to the roof terrace of the Mirador and stargazed, watching as more and more stars appeared in the darkening dusk. It also became an impromptu cloud spotting, as the bright moonlight lit up the passing clouds that rarely appear this time of year in Los Molinos, and satellite and plane spotting too! It was a treasured chance for the mostly city-bound attendees to connect with our unpolluted night sky.

shooting star watching

We finished with a check-in circle and final meditation on the Monday morning, and finally our goodbyes, met with smiles and tears all round. I’m glad to have had the opportunity to examine and expand my own practice, but mostly to have shared this space so intimately with such wonderful people. I look forward to attending another of Siggy’s retreats in the future!

By EVS volunteer Sophie

If this has piqued your interest, check out details of our next retreats here.

candle light meditation